Evolve Skateboards UK: New London Showroom

When we started this project, we wanted a place where people can come down, try out the boards, accessorise them and service their boards. A place where they can see and feel what Evolve is about! We couldn’t be more stoked with the result! Welcome to the new home of Evolve UK!
The big Instagram wall
As soon as you get in, you will see the big Instagram wall where all the pictures were sent in from our community. Evolve is way much more than a brand, we are a community that shares the passion for riding the endless wave.
We often get customers to come in, and the first thing they do is walk straight up to that wall and see if they're on it. Our UK customers absolutely loved them!
Demo boards
One of the things we wanted was the store to be just very impacting, nice ample, wide-open space, boards on the wall where customers can go and have a look, interact, get a feel with them and see what they're like.
We do have plenty of demo boards. If customers do want to actually just jump on it, then we pull one of those out and make them actually get a feel with a board.
We also have the boards’ deck - the GTR Carbon and the GTR Bamboo - wholly dissected. Customers can see every little nook and cranny of what makes this board up and learn a bit about them and their components.

In the accessories area, you can find skateboard spare parts, lats, bushings, trucks, all of that jazz. At the tyre section, our customers absolutely love customising their boards. Yeah, this totally does caters for that variety. Wherever it's difficult to street wheels or different colour tires or hubs, we've got it all here. We've just got our apparel and things like that.
As we're massive advocates on safety first, we also have an array of pads, helmets and things like that.
Full-service centre
One of the main differences between Evolve and other electric skateboards brands is the service & support that we offer to our clients. We offer 12 months full warranty on our boards. If anyone does have any issues with their boards, they can give us a call, send us an email, anything like that. And we would get them in and do whatever we can to get their boards back on the road.